3 20 2022

 When buying from a HOWSE SERVICES, INC (“HOWSE”) AFFILIATE a BUYER may negotiate a 200% REBATE to be registered in https://www.change2100.com/TRUST/HOWSE/howse.html for the BUYER.

Once REBATES for the BUYER accumulate to $100,000 UNITED STATES DOLLARS or more, an INTERNATIONAL BILL OF EXCHANGE (“IBOE”) of equal value issued by HOWSE may be credited in exchange for debiting the REBATES.

 See https://www.change2100.com/THIBMART/DIRECTORY-1/contents/en-us/d130_124.-HOWSE-IBOE-WITH-CLEARING-BILL-PAY.html

CLEARING of HOWSE IBOE could commence immediately as per https://www.change2100.com/GTD/contents/en-us/d3770_372.-CLEARING.html.

 Referrals of business could accelerate the pace of CLEARING.

 A BUYER may negotiate the purchase, the amount to be paid, and the REBATE.

The more a BUYER purchases, the more a BUYER pays for purchases, the profit value available to a BUYER through CLEARING will be greater!

For more information send an email to rebates@change2100.com